This winter, Grand Hyatt Tokyo host its “Sparkle with Joy” charity program, which will feature various activities designed to support people with disabilities and children in regions such as Tohoku, Kumamoto and Hokkaido, which were hit by devastating natural disasters. Beginning 9 November, a part of the lobby will be decorated to reflect this year’s theme featuring 15 sparkling trees to symbolize the celebration of their 15-year anniversary.
Grand Hyatt Tokyo’s charity program embraces the theme “Sparkle with Joy,” which offers hotel guests the opportunity to share love and give support to those who need it most. The hotel collaborates with Re Kikou, an organization that recycles corks from wine and champagne bottles used in the hotel to create original products. In creating these products, the organization assists welfare groups in generating work and independence for people with disabilities. A percentage of the revenue that is collected from the hotel offerings will be donated to Kids Earth Fund in support of the children who were affected by natural disasters including the tsunami of 11 March 2011.
Sparkle with Joy SNS Charity Program
For every guest that posts a photo of Grand Hyatt Tokyo with the hashtag #GrandHoliday2018 on Instagram, Grand Hyatt Tokyo will donate JPY 100 per post to the Kids Earth Fund. Guests who also follow Grand Hyatt Tokyo’s official Instagram account and tag two friends who may want to know about their program will have a chance to win dining certificates, and for the photo that best reflects their “Sparkle with Joy” theme, a complimentary stay at the hotel will be awarded. Special prizes for the most photogenic pictures will also be prepared. Please see the campaign site for more information.
Dates: 9 November – 25 December 2018